
Macaulay Church of England Primary School

I Know Who I Am

Learning to read for understanding

At Macaulay we focus on understanding the stories and information in books right from the Early Years. As staff listen to readers or read aloud themselves with the children they ask questions around:


  • Predicting
  • Identifying the Main Point
  • Making Connections with other books, stories or experiences
  • Inferring
  • Clarifying (ask questions about what has been read)


These early skills progress to a more formal book analysis in Year 1 where the children explore set texts in three lessons a week developing the focus on reading. Techniques for learning include discussion, exploring ideas through art, making connections and research and written response.


From Year 2 our children commence the Literary Leaves scheme which is carefully developed to expose children to a wide and exciting range of literature whilst working on the content domains that a child should be able to reach at the end of each key stage.


A spiral approach is taken to the learning of the skills within understanding texts with each content domain being regularly returned to.
