
Macaulay Church of England Primary School

I Know Who I Am

School Sport



Sport at Macaulay is led by Joe Mallett, our PE coach. Our large playground enables us to host house competitions and friendly competitions against our Collaborative schools.  


We seek out partnerships to develop children's experience of a range of sports and provide opportunities for them to discover skills and abilities in different areas.  We have visited the Herne Hill Velodrome and the Royal Tennis Courts at Hampton Court.  In the past our collaboration with the London Russian Ballet School (LRBS) has enabled children to work alongside professional ballet dancers and attend performances at a world renown venue - with two of our children also performing.  Children have been selected to continue to train with LRBS as a result of this collaboration.  We have also been involved with the Royal Ballet's 'Chance to Dance' programme with two of our children being selected to continue to train and perform with the Royal Ballet.


We ensure that the children are given the chance to continue sports after school with sports clubs provided by specialist sports leaders.


For details of how Macaulay spends its Sports Premium grant please see the PE and Sports Premium report.


For details of the PE curriculum please see the link on our curriculum page.
