I Know Who I Am
Science Work
We're learning about Plants this term. Today, we went and searched for plants that had been munched on by insects and then we drew them!
Year 1 Platinum Jubilee commemorative artworks
Year 1's Tower of London trip!
Today, year 1 went to the Tower of London to help with our work on William the Conqueror for our history topic this half term. We looked out for all the different features of a castle that we had learned about. We had a fantastic day, even though it rained all day! Our favourite part was seeing the Crown Jewels, what a treat!
Well done to our Good News and Creativity certificate recipients this week. Fantastic work, you are both stars!
Science work
This half term we are learning about weather and seasonal changes in our topic, 'Wonderful Weather'. For science this week we discussed how the weather had been recently and then brainstormed all the different things that come to mind when we think of each season. As summer is fast approaching we then made summer collages. We took inspiration from all the nice summer activities that we are looking forward to such as picnics, going to the beach, playing in the park and much more.
Golden Time
Well done to year 1 for another successful week. We rounded it off with some golden time where we get to choose an activity. Well done to our Good News and Creativity recipients for this week as well!
For DT week we looked at free standing structures. We learnt how swings are made and how they work. We then designed and made our own model swings using a variety of different materials. After completing our swing we evaluated the design process, thinking specifically about what we found challenging and what we would do differently next time.
Science Week
In year 1 we looked at microscopic machines. Children from years 2, 3 & 6 joined together to sequence amino acids.