Watch this video to better understand how to add fractions when the denominators are the same, and what to do when they are not the same.
Fractions as division
Watch this video to better understand how to use fractions as division, thinking about sharing whole objects between groups and writing it as a fraction of a whole. Have a go at the challenge questions at the end.
Fractions: Comparing fractions with the same denominator
Watch this video to better understand how to compare fractions when they have the same denominator, and how to convert fractions to have the same denominator
Comparing fractions - equal numerators
Watch this video to better understand how to compare fractions and have a go at some of the questions.
Check out some of these useful websites to support Maths learning
White Rose Maths - Year 5Maths videos to support children's understanding - look for the subject areas that they may be having difficulty with, or look for the subject area that they are currently studying
TimesTable RockstarsPractice your times tables, and compete, on this website regularly. As your teacher for your login details if you do not have them.
Education CityPractice Maths with a variety of activities on this website