
Macaulay Church of England Primary School

I Know Who I Am

Year 2

Collaborative Maths Puzzles!

Clay Tiles in Art

Sewing pouches in DT!

World Book Day!


There were so many fantastic costumes in year 2 for World Book Day. 

Can you work out who we all are?


Trip to St Paul's Catheral


We had an excellent afternoon at St Paul’s cathedral. We explored the crypt and saw statues that were almost burned down during the fire. We retold the story together with role play and costumes, including being 17th Century fire people. Then we got to see the dome and see all of Christopher Wren’s hard work rebuilding the cathedral. It was an amazing day!

Choosing books at Clapham Library!

Heroes of the Past Day


For heroes of the past topic we came to school dressed as a person from the past that was significant and made a positive change to the world. We made a class timeline to place all our heroes and discussed when our different heroes were alive. We shared with the class why our chosen person was a hero. What a fantastic day we had! 

Science - Habitats

Year 2 made shoebox habitats in their science lessons this week for our learning on living things. We talked about what animals and plants live in each habitat and how they are suited. 
